Sinhala (Sri Lanka)Tamil-Sri Lanka
Welcome To Southern Provincial Road Passenger Transport Authority


It is appreciated the Southern Provincial Road Passenger Transport Authority, Having Excellent   Passenger  transport  services during  for the past few years. Especially, Carrying out & prepared scientific general time tables, Expanding  office service and school services, Producing well developed human resources  having  offered them training Officers & well bus service crew. Flowing Tender procedures with transparency to issue new passenger route permit, undertaking  arrangements  to improve  the  infrastructure facilities  Ect..

It is my opinion that the website introduce by Southern Provincial Road Passenger Transport Authority today (02.12.2009) will make aware for worldwide passengers about Bus time tables & fares, details pertaining to the distances of  the respective services and the infrastructure  facilities developments  and  today we have  to face a great competition with the times so using this website  they can manage  their  times. 2009 was declared as the year of information and technology as it is so, I take this opportunity to express my thanks to all these officers of the Authority for having taken quick actions to connect, The Southern Province Transport website with the internet.